Episode #13 | Tyler & Ann Moore | Joyful Hearts Who Serve
Aside from leading the city of Kokomo as the mayor, Tyler Moore shares how he met his wife, Ann, and how God has been working in their lives since birth. Tyler and Ann's paths crossed as they were both leading teens and seeking the wisdom of God. In hindsight, it was a divine appointment that they both were at the same event (Destination Jesus), working with their parish's youth. They both recall seeking God’s direction for their lives when they met and started down the path to their union. Now, 24 years later, they have five adult children and one grandchild on the way.
Show links
Destination Jesus https://destinationjesus.org/
St Joan of Arc https://saintjoan.org/
Christ Renews His Parish https://www.crhpdst.org/
St Patrick Church https://stpatrick-kokomo.org/
City of Kokomo Mayor https://www.cityofkokomo.org/departments/mayor_s_office/index.php
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